Buying your First Home as a Teacher

Teacher Loans helps Teachers & Education Professionals who are First Home Buyers access a Home Loan plus understand any Grants and Discounts

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Buying your First Home as a Teacher

As a First Home Buyers, embarking on the journey of buying your first home can be both an exhilarating and daunting prospect. For many, it symbolises a significant milestone, encompassing dreams and hard work towards securing a personal haven. Teacher Loans deeply understands the complexities and challenges entailed in this significant life event, particularly for teachers and education professionals, who dedicate their lives to nurturing future generations.

At Teacher Loans, we believe that those who contribute so fundamentally to society deserve exceptional support when they decide on buying their first home. Our bespoke services are intricately tailored to meet the unique needs of First Home Buyers within the educational sector. Recognising the dedication and commitment of teachers, we offer specialised Home Loan solutions that cater specifically to education professionals. This focused approach ensures that the journey to homeownership is as smooth and supportive as possible.

Why should teachers and education professionals choose Teacher Loans while buying their first home? The answer lies in our comprehensive understanding of the specific financial landscapes that educational professionals navigate. We offer exclusive Home Loan options that are not only competitive but come with benefits designed to alleviate the financial burden often associated with purchasing a new home. Our insightful expertise extends to guiding our clients through available grants and discounts, maximising the opportunities to make their dream home a reality in the most cost-effective manner.

Buying your first home is a landmark achievement, and Teacher Loans is committed to making this dream attainable for teachers. By selecting Teacher Loans, you gain access to tailored advice, special grants, and discounts that can significantly reduce the financial pressures of homeownership. Our dedication to supporting teachers and education professionals throughout this journey mirrors our appreciation for the invaluable role they play in society.

In essence, choosing Teacher Loans as your partner in buying your first home is not just about securing a mortgage; it's about acknowledging the hard work and dedication of teachers with services and support that match their contribution to society. Let us help you in making the important transition to homeownership a reality, with the assurance that you are supported every step of the way.

Ready to buy your first home?

We have access to thousands of products from banks right across Australia. Chat to an expert Mortgage Broker and see if you qualify.

Interest rates as low as:


Headline Rate


Comparison Rate

Initiatives to help First Home Buyers

When it comes to purchasing your first home as a teacher in Australia, there are several assistance schemes available to support you. Let's explore three key ones: the First Home Owner Grant (FHOG), the Home Guarantee Scheme (HGS), and First Home Buyer Stamp Duty Exemptions and Concessions.

First Home Owner Grant (FHOG):

The FHOG is like a friendly hand from the government when you're buying your initial home. Essentially, if you meet the criteria, you could receive a sum of money to put towards your new home. Sounds promising, doesn't it?

Here's the gist: Each state or territory in Australia runs its own FHOG scheme, so the requirements might vary depending on where you're purchasing. But generally, to be eligible, you need to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and you (or your spouse) must not have previously owned property in Australia. There's typically a limit on the property value you're buying, and you usually must reside in the home for a specified period.

Home Guarantee Scheme (HGS):

The HGS is another government initiative aimed at assisting first-time home buyers, particularly if you haven't amassed a substantial deposit. It serves as a safety net, enabling you to secure a home loan with a smaller deposit than usual.

One component of the HGS is the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme (FHLDS), which permits eligible first-time buyers to obtain a home loan with a reduced deposit and without having to pay lenders mortgage insurance (LMI).

First Home Buyer Stamp Duty Exemptions and Concessions:

Stamp duty is a tax typically payable when purchasing property. However, as a first-time home buyer, you may qualify for exemptions or concessions, resulting in either reduced stamp duty payments or exemption from payment altogether. This can lead to significant savings when you're already investing in a new home.

The criteria for stamp duty exemptions and concessions vary across states, but generally, you'll need to meet specific requirements. For instance, you might need to be purchasing a home for personal residence, and there may be a cap on the property value.

So, there you have it – three vital schemes to aid you in your journey toward homeownership in Australia. As we've assisted numerous First Home Buyers, don't hesitate to reach out today, and we can provide guidance through the process.

The Home Loan Process helping teachers buy their First Home

Picture for Teacher Loans

Initial Consult

Have a chat with one of our qualified Mortgage Brokers who will understand your situation and talk you through the next steps plus any hints and tips to get into your first home sooner.

First Home Buyer Fact Find

We'll understand a bit more about your situation and discuss the Grants and Incentives you might be able to access including FHOG and HGS. We'll help you to access a variety of Home Loan options.


Once you're approved, you can start bidding or making offers on properties you want to purchase.


You settle on the property, your Home Loan draws-down and you're good to go!

See why others choose Teacher Loans to help with their first Home Loan:


Ornella D

Nick and his team were outstanding! He listened carefully and provided the product we needed. We were guided every step of the process and communication was always swift and professional. Thank you so much for providing us with a better deal and also some


Nimisha M

I dealt with Nick throughout the process. As I was interstate he flew in and had a discussion with me initially on the process and what timeline to expect. He achieved very low rates from the lender I wanted to go with and was very transparent through the


Sally Jooste

Thank you Nick and Carl for all your support and advice. You helped us understand the daunting mortgage market and answered all our questions with honesty and transparency. We certainly would have struggled to buy our first home without your assistance.

Common Questions:

Are your mortgage brokers licensed and accredited?

All Mortgage Brokers at Teacher Loans are accredited and members of the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA), ensuring their adherence to professional standards. Their commitment to excellence is evident in the exceptional service they deliver across various lending options. They possess the qualifications to assist teachers and other education professionals with their financial needs, offering expert guidance tailored to individual circumstances. Whether you're refinancing your Home or Investment Loan, securing a Car Loan, or seeking a new Loan for a purchase, our brokers are ready to provide knowledgeable support every step of the way.

Why should I use a Mortgage Broker?

Collaborating with a Mortgage Broker streamlines the mortgage process for Educators and Other Educational Professionals, providing broader options, expert advice, and a more streamlined application process, potentially saving time and securing better loan terms. Brokers serve as intermediaries between borrowers and lenders, offering valuable assistance and expertise. One benefit of working with a broker is the access to a wide array of loan products from different lenders, enabling personalised solutions. Moreover, brokers typically have strong connections with banks and lenders, which can lead to improved terms and rates for borrowers compared to dealing directly with their primary bank.

Can you help First Home Buyers?

We're dedicated to helping First Home Buyers! Teacher Loans assists Teachers & Other Education Professionals who are first-time buyers in accessing a Home Loan and understanding Grants and Discounts. Purchasing your first home with a Home Loan is a major financial decision for many, representing an investment in the future, a cornerstone for family life, and a step towards financial stability. At Teacher Loans, we understand the importance of this milestone. Our personalised approach ensures clients have the knowledge, options, and support needed to make informed decisions. Our Home Loan solutions cater specifically to the diverse needs of first home buyers, offering competitive rates, flexible terms, and benefits tailored to the service life and career path of Teachers & Other Education Professionals.

What are the Benefits of Refinancing a Home Loan or Investment Loan?

Refinancing your Home Loan or Investment Loan offers numerous benefits for teachers and other education professionals. One major advantage is securing a lower interest rate, significantly reducing monthly repayments and helping manage finances more efficiently. Additionally, refinancing allows adjusting loan terms to better fit individual financial circumstances, such as extending or shortening the loan term or changing the repayment frequency to align with income cycles. This flexibility empowers educators to tailor their loans to their specific needs and goals. Refinancing also provides access to equity, enabling them to release funds for various purposes like home renovations, purchasing a vehicle, planning a holiday, or investing in additional properties. Consolidating multiple loans into a single facility simplifies financial management and may reduce overall interest costs. Lastly, transitioning from a variable to a fixed-rate home loan through refinancing offers the advantage of locking in a stable interest rate and repayment term, providing peace of mind amid fluctuating market conditions.

What kind of interest rates can you offer?

We take look at a wide range of products available from Banks, Credit Unions & other lenders across the country. This means we can search thousands of products and make sure we're always recommending the best Home Loans and Investment Loans for our clients.

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